Department of Mathematics, University of Oulu, Finland.

  • Degree: Master of Science, 28.5.1998 (good mark).
  • Major: Statistics.
  • Minors: Computer science, mathematics, economics and philosophy. Thesis: ’Reliability coefficients and their use in psychiatric research’, 1998.

Institute of Public Health, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom.

  • Degree: Master of Philosophy, 13.12.2003 (accepted).
  • Major: Epidemiology.
  • Thesis ’Environmental epidemiology of psychoses in Nottingham – social deprivation and incidence of psychoses in 1992-94 and 1997-99’, 2003.

Department of Psychiatry, University of Oulu, Finland.

  • Degree: Doctor of Philosophy, 22.6.2004 (accepted).
  • Dissertation ’Statistical methods in psychiatric research, with special reference on factor analysis, 2004
  • Title of Docent in Psychiatric Epidemiology, 1.2.2008


Current positions

  • Professor of Clinical Epidemiology, Research Unit of Population Health, University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland (January 2014 –)

Previous positions

University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland

  • Vice-Dean of the University of Oulu Graduate School, University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland (2018-2021)
  • Academy Research Fellow September 2013 – August 2018 (#268336)

Academy of Finland, Helsinki, Finland

  • Academy Research Fellow November 2007 – July 2008 (#120479)
  • Academy Research Fellow March 2009 – July 2009 (#125853)

Department of Psychiatry, University of Oulu and Oulu University Hospital, Finland

  • Research Associate May 1997 – May 1998
  • Researcher June 1998 – February 2005
  • Senior Research Fellow March 2005 – December 2008
  • University Research Fellow January 2009 – February 2009, August 2009 – August 2013
  • Research Doctor of the Academy of Finland (#110143) August 2005 – October 2007, August 2008 – December 2008

Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, Imperial College London, U.K.

  • Honorary Research Fellow November 2005 – October 2012

Diaconia Polytechnic, Oulu, Finland

  • Teacher (statistics) 2002


  • 5.046 Euro from the Emil Aaltonen Foundation for doctoral thesis 2001
  • 6.000 Euro from the Jalmari and Rauha Ahokas Foundation for doctoral thesis 2002
  • 6.000 Euro from the Finnish Cultural Foundation (Northern Ostrobothnia Foundation) for doctoral thesis 2003
  • 3.000 Euro from the Oy H. Lundbeck Ab Foundation for post doc –research 2004
  • 6.000 Euro from the Jalmari and Rauha Ahokas Foundation for post doc –research 2004
  • 11.980 Euro from the Academy of Finland (#213760) for research visit to Imperial College London, U.K., 2005-2006 (topic: statistics in genetics)
  • 100.000 US dollars, Independent Investigator Award from the NARSAD: The Brain and Behavior Research Fund 2010 (Dr. Mortimer D. Sackler Developmental Psychobiology Research Program Investigator grant)
  • 20.000 Euro from the Jalmari and Rauha Ahokas Foundation 2012
  • 30.000 Euro from the Northern Finland Health Care Support Foundation 2013
  • 425.005 Euro from the Academy of Finland (#268336) for Academy Research Fellow post (2013-2018)
  • 330.000 Euro from the Academy of Finland (#273965) for research cost of Academy Research Fellow (2013-2016)
  • 220.000 Euro from the Academy of Finland (#303696) for research cost of Academy Research Fellow (2016-2018)
  • 30.000 Euro from the Finnish Cancer Foundation (2018)
  • 100.000 Euro from the Juho Vainio Foundation (2019)
  • 29.000 Euro from Yrjö Jahnsson Foundation (2021)


Dissertation supervisor (Psychiatry, University of Oulu; finished studies), students (21):

  • Haapea Marianne, PhD (Selection and information bias in psychiatric research) [assistant supervisor, 2010]
  • Keskinen Emmi, MScD (Parental psychosis, risk factors and protective factors for schizophrenia and other psychosis – The Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966) [principal supervisor, 2015]
  • Mäkinen Johanna, MScD (Methods of search and analysis of published schizophrenia research) [principal supervisor, 2010]
  • Penttilä Matti, MScD (Duration of untreated psychosis – the Northern Finland 1966 Birth Cohort) [assistant supervisor, 2013]
  • Juola Pauliina, MScD (Outcome in schizophrenia and its predictors) [assistant supervisor, 2015]
  • Rissanen Ina, MScD (Psychiatric medication, suicidality and outcome) [principal supervisor, 2015] [thesis award of Psychiatric Research Foundation]
  • Roivainen Eka, PhD (Validity in psychological measurement) [principal supervisor, 2015]
  • Moilanen Jani, MScD (Medication in schizophrenia) [assistant supervisor, 2015]
  • Filatova Svetlana, PhD (Trends and interactions of risk factors in psychotic disorders – Northern Finland Birth cohorts studies) [principal supervisor, 2017]
  • Hulkko (née Husa) Anja, MScD (Cognition and psychiatric medication in schizophrenia) [assistant supervisor, 2017]
  • Huhtaniska Sanna, MScD (Predictors for brain morphometry changes in schizophrenia) [principal supervisor, 2018]
  • Käkelä Juha, MScD (Family history of psychosis and outcome of schizophrenia) [principal supervisor, 2018]
  • Ramsay Hugh, MScD (Familial risk and its associations to adverse cognitive outcomes) [assistant supervisor, 2017]
  • Mustonen Antti, MScD (Substance use as risk factor for psychoses) [principal supervisor, 2018] [thesis awards of Addiction Medicine Association and Univ Oulu Medical Faculty]
  • Taka-Eilola (née Riekki) Tiina, MScD (Parental severe mental disorders and psychosis in the offspring – the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966 and 1986) [assistant supervisor, 2019]
  • Saarinen Aino, PhD (Is psychosis risk associated with structural and functional abnormalities in the brain?) [assistant supervisor, 2020]
  • Kinnunen Lotta, MScD (The association of parental somatic illness with offspring’s mental health) [principal supervisor, 2021]
  • Kivelä Milja, MScD (Childhood risk factors for young adult strokes – the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966) [assistant supervisor, 2022]
  • Majuri Tuomas, MScD (Occupational and other outcomes in schizophrenia and other psychoses) [assistant supervisor, 2023]
  • Nedelec Rozenn, PhD (Metabolic health and obesity: early determinants, trajectories and causal analysis – the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966 and 1986 studies) [assistant supervisor, 2023]
  • Jallow Jandeh, MScD (Early risk factors for ADHD : a Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1986 study) [assistant supervisor, 2024]

Dissertation supervisor (ongoing registered studies), students (21):

  • Doctoral theses: University of Oulu (7 as principal and 11 as assistant supervisor) and University of Turku (1 as assistant supervisor)
  • Supervised master theses in information sciences (University of Oulu), statistics (Universities of Jyväskylä and Oulu) and social sciences (University of Helsinki); and supervised 54 medical theses (University of Oulu)

Major teaching duties and pedagogical competence

  • University pedagogy, 25 credits, Faculty of Education, University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland, 22.5.2014
  • Vice-responsible person (PhD studies responsible) of doctoral degrees, Medical Faculty, University of Oulu
  • Chair and main teacher in the Oulu Psychiatric Epidemiology Society (OPES) (2007-)
  • I had my demonstration lecture for the docentship (adjunct professor) in November 26th 2007 in the Medical Faculty of the University of Oulu. My topic was epidemiology of schizophrenia. The feedback of my demonstration lecture was very positive (grade: 5/5).
  • Several lectures on critical appraisal of science (UOulu, UHelsinki and national conferences)
  • Lectures in statistics and research planning for medical and doctoral students, Medical Faculty, University of Oulu, 2010-
  • Lectures on factor analyses and related issues in the National Research School in Nursing Science, Oulu, Finland, 2006
  • Tutor of medical students in the tutor program at the medical faculty of the University of Oulu (2013-2019)
  • Mentor of doctoral student in the mentor program at the University of Oulu Graduate School (2017)

Scientific awards and honours

  • Independent Investigator award from NARSAD: The Brain and Behavior Research Fund, 2010 (Dr. Mortimer D. Sackler Developmental Psychobiology Research Program Investigator)
  • Awarded by Mediuutiset as one of the 100 influential persons in the health sector in Finland 2021 (in category reformers) for initiation of an international master programme in Epidemiology and Biomedical Data Science in University of Oulu 
  • Honorary Research Fellow, Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, Division of Epidemiology, Public Health and Primary Care, Imperial College London, U.K. (1.11.2005-30.10.2012)
  • Best publication for the student for year 2014 by the Finnish Psychiatric Association (Husa et al. 2014)
  • Thesis awards for the students (Psychiatric Research Foundation; Ina Rissanen, 2015; Addiction Medicine Association and Univ Oulu Medical Faculty; Antti Mustonen 2018)

Other scientific or academic merits and activities

  • Opponent of four doctoral dissertation (Tampere Univ, Univ Turku, Univ Helsinki), examiner for eight doctoral dissertations (Univ Tampere, Univ Turku, Univ Helsinki), for eight docentship applications (Univ Eastern Finland, Univ Helsinki, Univ Turku), coordinator of the examination board for doctoral dissertation (Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden, 2020) and external reviewer for master thesis (Univ Cambridge, UK, 2015)
  • Member of European Science Foundation (ESF) College of Expert Reviewers (2019-)
  • Member of the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO) Review College (2023-2026)
  • Referee for grant applications for the: European Research Council (ERC) (2015-16), Slovenian Research Agency (RSA) (2012-), Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS) (2015-20), Research Council of Norway (2021), Medical Research Council (MRC) (UK) (2020), Wellcome Trust (UK) (Investigator Award, 2021), Research Foundation Flanders (FWO) (Belgium) (2019-), Ghent University (Belgium) (Concerted Research Actions, 2022), Novo Nordisk Foundation (NNF) (Denmark) (Grant 2020; Research Infrastructure Program, 2024), Netherlands organization for health research and development (ZonMw) (2008), Agency for Management of University and Research Grants (AGAUR) (Spain) (Scientific Activity of Research Groups in Catalonia, 2022), Slovak Research and Development Agency (2023-), Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia (SSF) (Program PRISMA, 2022), Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) (Project Grants, 2020), Funder of work research and development (Työsuojelurahasto) (Finland) (2024), and Northern Finland Health Care Support Foundation (Pohjois-Suomen terveydenhuollon tukisäätiö) (Finland) (2014)
  • Member of the research team in EU projects (OBCT, EarlyCause, LONGITOOLS, and DynaHealth), local PI in one ended project (MARATONE) and local vice-PI in one ended project (m-Resist)
  • Member of the National Scientific Panel of Population Policy (2020-21)
  • Member of the National Committee on Medical Research Ethics (TUKIJA) (2022-26) and member of the Department of Appeals of TUKIJA (2022-2026)
  • Panel chair (2020-21) and vice-chair (2018-20) in the national Publication Forum (julkaisufoorumi)
  • Executive board member of the Finnish Epidemiology Society (2021-)
  • Founding member of the Cambridge University Finnish Society 2002-
  • Member of the Finnish Society for Biostatistics 2012-
  • Member of the International Early Psychosis Association (IEPA)
  • Member of the Society of Researchers and Members of Parliament (TUTKAS)
  • Member of the Southern African and Finnish Higher Education (SAFINET) network (2021-)
  • Member of editorial board of “Psychological Medicine” (2011-), “PLOS One” (2018-), “International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health” (Section: mental health) (2020-), and “Schizophrenia Research and Treatment” (2009-21)
  • Referee statements to appr. 30 national and international scientific journals (2000-)
  • Member of the executive committee of education and vice-member of the executive committee of research of the University of Oulu
  • Member of the doctoral training committee for Health and Biosciences of the University of Oulu (2014-)
  • Member of the Scientific Committee (2012-) of the Northern Finland Birth Cohorts
  • Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Medical Research Center Oulu (2017-)
  • Member of the Executive Group of the Medical Faculty Science Day of the University of Oulu (2012 and 2013)
  • President of the international conferences “Current Knowledge in Psychiatric Epidemiology”, Oulu, Finland, 2009 (123 participants from 6 countries) and joint president of the “Schizophrenia – Epidemiology and Biology”, Oulu, Finland, 2012 (147 participants from 24 countries)
  • keynote speaker and member of organization committee in the Euro Global Summit and Medicare Expo on Psychiatry (Barcelona, Spain 2015)

 Scientific and societal impact of research

  • In total 409 scientific publications (July 9th, 2024)
    • 24 publications as the first and 64 as the last author
    • 344 original research articles in journals, peer reviewed, original research (A1)
    • 30 review articles in journals, peer reviewed (A2)
    • 7 chapters in research books (A3), 10 unrefereed journal articles (B1), 2 edited books (C2), 13 articles in special journals (D1), 2 master theses (G2), 1 doctoral thesis (G5)
  • h-index = 75 (Google Scholar, July 9th, 2024)