1. Haapea M, Miettunen J, Läärä E, Joukamaa MI, Järvelin M-R, Isohanni MK, Veijola JM. Non-participation in a field survey with respect to psychiatric disorders. Scand J Public Health 2008; 36: 728-36. doi:10.1177/14034948092250 (IF = 1.537)
  2. Haapea M, Miettunen J, Lindeman S, Joukamaa M, Koponen H. Agreement between self-reported and pharmacy data on medication use in the Northern Finland 1966 Birth Cohort. Int J Meth Psych Res 2010; 19:88-96. doi:10.1002/mpr.304 (IF = 2.344)
  3. Jääskeläinen E, Miettunen J. Psykiatriset arviointiasteikot kliinisessä työssä (Psychiatric rating scales in clinical work, in Finnish). Duodecim 2011; 127:1719-25.
  4. Joukamaa M, Miettunen J, Kokkonen P, Koskinen M, Julkunen J, Kauhanen J, Jokelainen J, Veijola J, Läksy K, Järvelin M-R. Psychometric properties of the Finnish 20-item Toronto Alexithymia Scale. Nord J Psychiatry 2001; 55:123-7. doi:10.1080/08039480116694 (IF = 0.789)
  5. Kääriäinen M, Kanste O, Elo S, Pölkki T, Miettunen J, Kyngäs H. Testing and verifying nursing theory by confirmatory factor analysis. J Adv Nurs 2011; 67:1163-72. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2648.2010.05561.x. (IF = 1.540)
  6. Kanste O, Miettunen J, Kyngäs H. Factor structure of the Maslach Burnout Inventory among Finnish nursing staff. Nurs Health Sci 2006; 8:201-7. doi:10.1111/j.1442-2018.2006.00283.x (No IF)
  7. Kanste O, Miettunen J, Kyngäs H. Psychometric properties of the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire among nursing staff. J Adv Nurs 2007; 57:201-31. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2648.2006.04100.x (IF = 1.442)
  8. Miettunen J, Kantojärvi L, Ekelund J, Veijola J, Karvonen JT, Peltonen L, Järvelin M-R, Freimer N, Lichtermann D, Joukamaa M. A large population cohort provides normative data for investigation of temperament. Acta Psychiatr Scand 2004; 110:150-7. doi:10.1111/j.1600-0047.2004.00344.x (IF =3.857)
  9. Miettunen J, Löhönen J, Jääskeläinen E, Kampman O, Veijola J, Koponen H, Isohanni M, Heinimaa M, Suvisaari J. Use of psychiatric and psychological instruments in Finland – schizophrenia and related psychoses. Psychiatria Fennica 2009; 40:204-43.
  10. Miettunen J, Suvisaari J, Haukka J, Isohanni M. Use of register data for psychiatric epidemiology in the Nordic countries. In: Textbook in Psychiatric Epidemiology, 3rd edition, Eds. Tsuang M, Tohen M, Jones P, pp. 117-31. Wiley-Blackwell, 2011. (No IF, book chapter)
  11. Miettunen J. Reliabiliteettikertoimet ja niiden käyttö psykiatrisessa tutkimuksessa (Reliability coefficients and their use in psychiatric research, in Finnish). Master of Science -thesis. Matemaattisten tieteiden laitos, Oulun yliopisto, Oulu, Finland, 1998.
  12. Miettunen J. Statistical methods in psychiatric research, with special reference on factor analysis. Dissertation. Acta Universitas Ouluensis, D788. Oulu University Press, Oulu, Finland, 2004.
  13. Moilanen K, Veijola J, Läksy K, Mäkikyrö T, Miettunen J, Kantojärvi L, Kokkonen P, Karvonen J, Herva A, Joukamaa M, Järvelin M-R, Moring J, Jones P, Isohanni M. Reasons for the diagnostic discordance between clinicians and researchers in schizophrenia in the Northern Finland 1966 Birth Cohort. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol 2003; 38:305-10. doi:10.1007/s00127-003-0638-z (IF = 1.577)
  14. Penninkilampi-Kerola V, Miettunen J, Ebeling H. A comparative assessment of the factor structures and psychometric properties of the GHQ-12 and GHQ-20 based on data from a Finnish population based sample. Scand J Psychol 2006; 47:431-40. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9450.2006.00551.x (IF = 0.607)
  15. Pyykkö AK, Ala-Kokko TI, Laurila JJ, Miettunen J, Finnberg M, Hentinen M. Validation of the new intensive care nursing scoring system (ICNSS). Intensive Care Med 2004; 30:254-9. doi:10.1007/s00134-003-2040-4 (IF = 4.406)
  16. Pyykkö AK, Ala-Kokko TI, Laurila JJ, Miettunen J, Finnberg M, Hentinen M. Nursing staff resources in direct patient care: comparison of TISS and ICNSS. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 2004; 48:1003-5. doi:10.1111/j.0001-5172.2004.00471.x (IF =1.863)
  17. Roivainen E, Veijola J, Miettunen J. Careless responses in survey data and the validity of a screening instrument. Nord Psychol. 2015 Sep 14. doi:10.1080/19012276.2015.1071202 (IF = 0.256)
  18. Tienari P, Wynne LC, Sorri A, Lahti I, Moring J, Nieminen P, Joukamaa M, Naarala M, Seitamaa M, Wahlberg K-E, Miettunen J. Observing relationships in Finnish adoptive families. Oulu Family Rating Scale. Nord J Psychiatry 2005; 59:253-63. doi:10.1080/08039480500227683 (IF = 0.789)